Bootstrap Themes

Hello, my name is

Emegbue Chukwudi John

And I'm a

About me

A graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Benin graduated in January 2013.

In 2016, I learnt the fundamentals of Software development using Java Programming Language alongside with Database Management using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Presently, I work at Remedial Health as the Chief Technology Officer where i supervise system infrastructure to ensure functionality, efficiency and Communicate technology strategy to partners and investors.

My Skills

My Skills & Experiences

Laravel 89%
HTML 90%
CSS 85%
Bootstrap 90%
JavaScript 84%
JAVA 80%
VueJS 65%
PHP 85%
MySQL 80%
GIT 70%
Spring Boot 70%
JQuery 89%
C# 75%

Contact Me